How to set height on sit stand desk?

29 Apr.,2024


How to Set Up a Standing Desk in 3 Simple Steps

It is becoming more well recognized that sitting all day at a desk is bad for your back and your posture. That is why a growing number of people are opting to buy an adjustable height desk. But, many people who ultimately end up taking the leap and buying one of these desks are stuck on the setup process. Standing desk programming is by no means complicated - there are just a few quick steps necessary to program standing desks. And that's why today, we're going to teach you how to program standing desks.

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You'll learn all about the various standing desk memory settings you can tweak, along with where you should set your standing desk presets. As you'll soon discover, setting your adjustable desk to the right height is imperative to getting the most out of it.

It doesn’t matter whether you'll be working remotely for the foreseeable future or will be returning to the office soon, you'll reap the benefits of investing in a standing desk for your home or office. 

The deal doesn’t get any sweeter than the UpDown Desk PRO Series Standing Desk, which has a tremendous visual impact while also providing a very practical workspace.

Be that as it may, you may struggle to program your standing desk if you haven’t used one before. Don’t worry, it's pretty simple if you follow these easy steps.

How to Program a Standing Desk: Programming Tips to Get Started

Ready to learn how to set standing desk presets? It's actually pretty simple - at least when you go with the best electric standing desk in Australia at UpDown Desk! In fact, one of the main reasons we've earned the reputation as the #1 choice for adjustable height desks is how easy it is to set up and program your new desk. Whether you bought an electric corner standing desk or one of our more traditional ergonomic computer desks, it takes no more than a minute or two to program your new desk. Here's how you can get started...

Step 1: Raise or Lower the Desk to Your Preferred Height for Sitting

You'll want to use at least two of the presets when setting up height-adjustable desks: your sitting preset and your standing preset. Now, you can set up as many as 4 different height presets if you'd like - but we'll just focus on the first two today.

Our desk's control pad features six buttons. There are two manual up/down controls and four height settings that you can save. These are called the M buttons. To get your desired sitting height, simply use the manual up/down button. Or, you could pre-set heights by hitting the M1 to M4 buttons. From there, you'll proceed to step two.

Step 2: Lock in Your Sitting Height Preset

Once you've got your desk at the right height, press one of the M buttons until you hear a beep to program your stored settings. That beep indicates that your height preset has been saved. Now, when you press that M button (whichever you used to lock it in), the desk will return to that height. Nice job! But we're not quite finished...

Step 3: Repeat the Process to Get Your Standing Height Preset

Now that you're sitting height preset is locked in, you'll want to repeat the process for your standing height preset. Raise the desk up and use the M2 button to lock in your standing height.

The company is the world’s best electric height adjustable sit stand desk supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.

It’s that easy. At the touch of a button, you can go between sitting and standing. Your current height will be displayed on the display screen. It is pre-programmed from the factory to display the height at its lowest, which is 64 cm. The company measured the height from the top of a standard desktop which is 2.5 cm thick.

Should you decide to add castor wheels or a thicker desktop, you can change this. You'll appreciate how simple it is to set up the PRO Series standing desk. Using the video or written setup tutorial provided, you should be able to complete your own installation in a short period of time.

Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Standing Desk Programming

Now that you know how to set standing desk presets, we want to provide you with a few tips for getting the most out of your new desk.

When actually standing at your desk, make sure you're not putting all of your weight on one leg. If you notice that your posture is beginning to slouch or weary, simply return to sitting. When you have weak posture, it's better to do a few short standing exercises throughout the day rather than one long one.

Your end goal should be to shoot for a 50/50 ratio of sitting to standing. This may not be possible at first as you build up the core strength and mental dexterity to work while standing. However, over time, you'll find that you can stand for longer without even noticing. It's important for us to stress that if you're finding your productivity and focus starts to drop as you reach the end of your standing session, just sit down. Don't power through for the sake of lower-quality work.

This being one of UpDown Desk's flagship products,  the PRO Series of Standing Desks will not disappoint anyone looking for this type of workspace. It's the brand's premier sit-to-stand desks series, and they perfectly blend superb craftsmanship with the newest technology in digital height control and motor to ensure you can customize them exactly how you want.

You should only have to do this once when determining your ideal desk height. Two users can keep their preferences and modify the desk with a single touch thanks to the availability of four preset height settings. It is ideal for practically anyone. If you want to learn more about getting the most out of your new desk, we have an article discussing how to sit with good posture at a desk along with an article talking about why standing desks are good for you.

Final Thoughts on Standing Desk Programming

Well, there you have it - all you need to know about standing desk programming. Programming your stand up desk has never been easier. If you like to go from sitting to standing a few times a day, you'll appreciate how the option to save your settings and rapid and quiet motor make the process go more smoothly. Just a quick button press is all it takes to effortlessly alternate between sitting and standing.

This desk comes with a lot of features that you’ll be impressed with. It's easy to see why UpDown Desk is one of the leaders in standing workstations. You may also want to consider investing in standing desk accessories to keep your workspace optimized and tidy. And, if you don’t feel that you can quite afford to invest in the best of the best - save some money with a manual standing desk or a standing desk converter.

How to Use a Standing Desk Correctly - Full Tutorial

You should alternate between sitting and standing. It's been proven that sitting too much is bad for your health. However, just like sitting all day can harm your body, standing all day can as well. Alternating between sitting and standing can help avoid preventable body pains. According to studies, the ratio of sitting versus standing time should be 1:1 or 2:1. That means that for an eight-hour workday, you should stand between 30 and 45 minutes every hour. This will keep you active and productive.

Alternating between sitting and standing positions will not only keep you active, but it will make you more productive. Indeed, the ratios of sitting versus standing stated above have shown to be optimal for comfort and energy levels. Get more information about what the best standing-to-sitting ratio is when using an ergonofis desk.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website electric standing desk with floating drawer.